As a founder you’ll be learning always, not curricular learning, but you’ll be learning like Hercules and labours as a founder.

One of the questions I get asked a lot is to do with Sustainability as I run an EV start up, a brand built upon five core pillars, which I’m sure I’ll share. Building a brand on values and having each stakeholder communicate these is vital for any business in the now.

Set your business a transparent pledge, demonstrating your purpose.

I’ve come across these FREE Sustainability courses from the United Nations. As you may get asked about your sustainability pledge, ESG mandate and governance towards a sustainable business.

Hopefully these help.

At my company ONE MOTO we set a very transparent pledge and worked with who help set the framework, actionable objectives and monitor progress.

1. My Sustainable Living Challenge 
2. Sustainable Lifestyles
3. Digital Sustainability Learning Path
4. Circular Economy and the 2030 Agenda
5. Resource efficiency
6. Environmental SDG Indicators
7. The Net-Zero Standard
8. An Introduction to E-Waste Policy
9. The SDG Primer
10. Energy Statistics
11. Youth, Peace, and Security Primer

Also, take some of your learnings and please share with your network who might benefit from these courses. 

Becoming a thought leader can be powerful in industry.

Thank you for reading.
